
I want to thank my supervisors, Ruth and Erin, as well as Greg and Torrey, for helping me put this project together. Without their guidance, mentorship, and generosity, this patchwork (wink wink) would have been absolutely impossible for me to weave together. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, and definitely plan on bugging them again really soon (so watch out!).

Thank you also to Leslie! As Van Gogh said, ‘artists should definitely copy’ (or something like that), and Leslie was a great person to copy off of. Seriously, though, having her constantly hype me up and inspire me to strive to be better was invaluable.

Thank you to everyone who I worked under and this department as a whole! The list is way too long to include everyone, but a few people who really inspired me include Jim, Molly, Claire, Michelle, Jeffrey, Kurt, Kim (fellow Triton!), Maureen, Sydney, Joanne, Zoe, Gideon, Laura, Leslie, Daniella, Kara, Karen, and Nola. A big thanks to the rest of the team as well! I have had a wonderful ten weeks here and I plan on exploiting the fact that I live in the same city as all these brilliant people :)